Sportsman of The Year

The men listed here exemplify the qualities of sportsmanship and fair play that are the hallmarks of the MBA National Masters Championships. The Masters Basketball Association Board of Directors is proud to honor these special men with our most prestigious award.

2024         Earl Dixon, Detroit MI

2023         Lahh Woods, NYC, NY
2022        Tom Ferch, Montana
2021         Victor Deihl, Michigan
2021         Ron Linford, Arizona
2020        Tournament cancelled
2019         Dick Johnson, Concord, NH
2018 Doug Coombs, Toronto, Canada
2017 Julio Davila, Hialeah Fla.
2016 David Kafoury, East Bank Saloon
2015 Dr. Richard Ditlow, Camp Hill, Pa.
2014 Damon Ellison, Indianapolis, Ind.
2013 Robert Scotlan, El Sobrante, Calif.
2012 Bill Berringer, Erie, Colo.
2011 Harry Carothers, Pinellas Park, Fla.
2010 Roy McNeely, Detroit, Mich.
2009 Richard Hughes, MD Chicago, Ill.
2008 Arthur Harreld, Owensboro, Ky.
2007 Wali Jones, Miami, Fla.
2006 Stanley A. White, Tampa, Fla.
2005 Art Darnbrough, NewMarket, ONT, Canada
2004 Michael P. Corry, Ladue, Mo.
2003 Robert Hunt, Portland, Ore.
2002 David Ross, Shelbyville, Ind.
2001 Leroy Ellis, Portland, Ore.
2000 Jim Prichard, Seattle, Wash.
1999 Ernest Jones, Chicago, Ill.
1998 Jim Montrey, St. Louis, Mo.
1997 Mike Gregory, Portland, Ore.
1996 Jim Prichard, Seattle, Wash.
1995 Ken Rinderknecht, St. Louis, Mo.
1994 Gerry Belko, Winnetka, Ill.
1993 Wally Cox, Indianapolis, Ind.
1992 Cal Dilworth, Detroit, Mich.
1991 Larry Fuerst, Lincoln, Neb.